Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New School Term

How is everyone? Coping well in your new school? Made any friends? How are your teachers? Share your experiences here!

I am teaching P3.3 this year. It is a IT class. They are younger than you all so I got to talk to them in a different way. Must repeat the same thing again and again. So far, I find them quite cute. I hope the year ahead would be good.


angelica chua said...

hi :) miss lim :) good to hear fro eu again ! My class is ok la but my teacher mr ali is good and funny :) lol ! Every teacher is ok only math and home enco is fierce lo ... How are eu :)

linus said...

hello !! im fine larh..coping quite well but when lesson time some ppl say all the funny funny thing -.- which interupted the lesson..and made quite a few frens lo. my english teacher is really fierce..her normall toking is shouting. LOL. then she say if any body wear ankle socks will be bear foot the whole day then today some ppl bear footed. hahas..

linus said...

btw , misslim , when u free ? can meet u in sch for cheat chatting :)

angelica chua said...

hi :) 2day with yu ling and sankari goin to anderson :)

linus said...

ohh..go anderson do wat ?

Anonymous said...

i make quite alot of friends. Some are like very funny, my teachers are nice.

angelica chua said...

hi hi hi again :) my sch hav choir :) but i join badminton lo

linus said...

chio good meh ? ltr sing untill ur troat burst. lol

angelica chua said...

not mi ho ... Pei jun wan choir

Miss Serene Lim said...

Secondary school life is very interesting. Do enjoy yourself but dont forget to study... :)

angelica chua said...

ok . :)

RacheL said...

i having a good time in school...i made alot of frens..tis few days very busy..haha..i think teacher going to choose me as chair person,-so history is very boring..the class n i want to sleep i thinking of eat cca to form teachers for now still okay..still enjoying life..