Saturday, April 25, 2009

25 April 2009

Hi everyone. Dickson told me I havent been blogging so I thought I better write a new post. How is everyone? Doing fine? Exams should be just round the corner. Miss Lim as usual is very busy now. Busy marking, preparing the students for exams etc. This is the life of a teacher.

Most of you should know by now that I got married recently. However, I am still known as Miss Lim in school. :)

Teachers' Day will be in next term. Hope to see you all that day. :p

Good luck for your exams! Do me proud.


Unknown said...

finally u have start to sure has been a long time since you post......i am fine. haha. exams are round the corner , sure haven been tat busy before....finally could take a break n post blog....i have been doing quite well for the past tests teacher gave us as a revision......hope i will do well ba....for the exam...hope to see u too for teachers day...... have u no tat i have change my blog url to should be able to do u proud ba.......hehe ..hope 2[.]^:^

Miss Serene Lim said...

Hi Ai Lin. Nice to hear from you. Glad to know that you have been doing well. Keep it up!

dickson wah said...

Hi miss lim how are u hope u are doing fine i will be comming back on teachers day (what day is it again ?)lol i dont even remamber my own teachers day lol any way i hope u a doing well with your new class

Anonymous said...

Yay!Finally u post. =]I am fine in school teachers,friends are nice. My classmate are funny also so sometimes we have laugher in the class.Now exams are coming teachers giving us some revision to do.Hope to see you on Teacher's day! I think i can do you proud one! :D

-Pei Jun =]

*~YuLiNg*~ said...

miss lim we will do super duper well n not dissapoint u:)

Miss Serene Lim said...

Thats good to hear. Heard about the class gathering. I will try my best to make it. Please keep me updated. I think it is best that you all confirm a time because school dismissal for every school is different.

bernice said...

Hi Miss Lim 3 exam paper has been completed.Yesterday was English exam.Compo n English paper was okay but not feeling quite well.vomitted 2 times during compo paper but luckily i got time 2finish the paper.2 day was chinese compo must think so hard... n history paper was abit challenging.

Sch was okay teacher are okay but sometimes classmate r abit crazy.See u on teacher's dae!

Alois said...

hi miss lim i u do u proud in the exam haha